One of my dates at Watford escorts is ever so funny, and he is all for Britain leaving the EU. He always says that we don't need the French. It makes me laugh but in many ways I suppose it could be true. We don't sell a lot to the French, and it would be better if we could buy our own British made cars instead. Anyway, this is what he says and I think that is probably true. I have English car as it is cheaper and easier to get parts for my Ford than it is to get parts of cars made on the continent.

At the same time, I do appreciate traveling to Europe without any hassle. A lot of the girls who work here at Watford escorts are from other EU countries, and I am not sure what would happen to them if the UK left the rest of Europe. As we have become good friends, I would like to think that they could stay. Some of the girls are a bit worried, and they think that they may have to go home if the UK leaves. I am not sure what would happen but I would hate to lose my friends.
There are so many ifs and buts, and I am not sure that the general public will be able to understand. A lot of the gents that I date at Watford escorts are into business in one way or the other. Most of them buy stuff from abroad, but most of it does not come from EU states. They say that prices are too expensive. Also, business customs in places like Spain and Portugal are too different. They are sort of put off by what they call the siesta mood when business close for a couple of hours every day during the lunch.
I am sure that we have lots of other trading partners in the UK. My parents really bought solar panels for their house, and they all came from outside the EU. I m not an expert, but I have looked into a few things during my breaks here at Watford escorts. It seems that we buy a lot from the EU, but they don't spend a lot of money in the UK. We do export a lot of stuff but the UK does not have a lot of manufacturing. We seem to be the financial power house of Europe.
Life is very uncertain, but I am glad that I have my good job at Watford escorts. Some of my friends who work in industry are much more likely to lose their jobs should the UK leave. I don't think that I will lose my job, but I may make a bit of less money. But then again, if the foreign girls have to go back, it may mean that I could make more money. I wonder if George Osbourne would take some time out of his busy day, and come to talk to us London escorts about the EU and what he could do for us escorts.