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Well-kept secret about London escorts

To most people, working for a London escorts must seem a little bit like a secret society. The truth is that most charlotte London escorts keep themselves to themselves and look after each other. Although it is exciting to work for a London escorts, there are several tricks to the trade which you may just want to familiarize yourself with if you are thinking about joining an escort service in London. It may seem easy on the surface of it, but there is a lot more to escorting than you can imagine.

Do all girls who work as London escorts escort all of the time? The girls who work for top class London escorts services know that it is important to be discreet. For instance, did you know that many London escorts have what they call cover job? That means that they may do a part-time job one day per week to make it seem like they are living a normal life to friends and family. Of course, they will let you think that this is their full-time job.

What do London escorts do with all of those tips that they receive? It is true. Girls who for the best agencies in London do get some amazing tips. Some of the girls date men who like to give them money, and other girls get their special tips or rewards in different ways. When you have been escorting for a little while, you learn that getting your tips in the shape of jewelry or other goods is a much better idea. Top London escorts hang on to their tips and use them as a little secret pension plan.

Do London escorts go to the beautician like other girls? Most London escorts do spend a lot of money on what they call personal grooming. But, many of the men who date London escorts also like to treat their girls. They may, for instance, treat their girls to a day at the spa or a top beauty salon in London. This is very popular with the girls and they tend to look after their gents who treat them especially well. After all, when you have been in your stilettos all week, it is nice to take a little break and have a foot rub.

Do the girls at London escorts take advantage of their dates? None of the girls I know who work for London escorts take advantage of their dates. Sure, they have a good time with them, but they don't use them. But then again, what girl can resist a bottle of bubbly or a new outfit from a top store in London? I think that many London escorts like to let their dates spoil them instead. They are grateful for what their gents do for them, and often give their special gents little, or large, special treats in return. Maybe you should be considering working for London escorts – it may just be a lot of fun

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